Q Acoustics
Q Acoustics startades 2006 genom lanseringen av 1000-serien.
Under åren så har de rättfärdigt blivit flerfaldigt prisbelönade för sina produkter.
Som en ledande distributör erbjuder vi Q Acoustics enastående utbud av
högtalare och ljudlösningar.
Kända för sitt moderna, rena men simplistiska formspråk lämpar sig
Q Acoustics högtalare in såväl i finrummet som din hemmabio.

Q Acoustics 3050i
"This innovative brand has been a powerful player in affordable speakers for a decade now, but the 3050i is arguably Q Acoustics' best value product yet"
EISA AWARD Januari 2021

Q Acoustics Concept 500
"This is an outstanding speaker that shows an all-round depth of talent that would be
impressive even if the price were considerably higher.
Its ability to remain transparent so that you can simply get on with enjoying the music is
something that Q Acoustics can be very proud of, as it redefines expectations at the
HiFi-Choice July 2021

"The Q Active 200 was able to quickly captivate us with its musicality after only a few songs…it offers a listening experience that is as special as it is smart. So it really earned our fifth star as well as our warm recommendation! Outstanding!"
Stereo Augusti 2021